Individual Concepts & Specials:The turbo for transformation, business, and champions.

These Individual Concepts and Specials are like tailor-made suits for you, your professional development, or your entire team. Take the first step towards extraordinary experiences, and let’s climb new spheres together – with fun, vision, and many perspectives.

Ready for the request that changes everything?

Impulse for business – mentoring for business decisions

Recognizing potential from new perspectives.

Leaders (guided) – the training for leaders

Become the leader you want to be.

Powerful on stage – Katja Kottmann Live

My vote for soul clients and your event.

Reset. Rethink. Restart: A Journey to Yourself.

Digital Detox for all senses in Mallorca.

Instant effect for modern spiritualists and open-minded people:
Coupons, downloads, services and articles with the Good Vibes guarantee.

Services, Downloads & Vouchers:

The power packages for more you.

Feel-Goodies & Everyday Helpers:

Your favorite vibes to wear, decorate and give as gifts.

Just beHappy


„… and what about your inner peace?”

This SOULetter keeps you on track. Exciting insights into my daily projects, inspiring live hacks, tips, tricks, and offers. Just for you. Free of charge. No obligation at any time.

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