The magic of rituals: the balancing act between routine & balance

Katja Kottmann
Jul 28, 2023
Women doing a balancing act on the beach

Does this sound familiar?

Your stressful working day leads to a permanent sensory overload. In the evening, you are completely exhausted and have hardly any energy left for what you are actually passionate about. Are your batteries simply empty and creative? It has yet to be found. Welcome to the routine. Goodbye, real life …

Do you want to continue like this or empower yourself and live the life that fulfills you?

In our stressful everyday lives, we need the right balance for our mental strength.

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a hamster wheel?

Then you have too much routine in your everyday life.

Or do you tend to sink into chaos?

Then the right routine could bring structure into your life.

It is important to understand: There is no one correct answer to the questions, just as there is no panacea for everyone. Every person has a different need for security and spontaneity. Find out what you personally need to live in harmony with yourself.

Life is always a balancing act between tension and relaxation, newness and security, or joy and sadness. All this makes our lives colorful and diverse.

Are you ready to finally live in abundance and discover the magic of balance? Ready. Set. Goooo!

Routine – anything but boredom

Routine often sounds dull and stuck at first. But hey, you need to be more correct. The right way can be worth its weight in gold.

Routine means that you do certain activities or tasks regularly at certain times. The advantage of this is that you establish structure and stability in your daily life. These habits can save you time and valuable energy. You feel less stressed and are more efficient and productive in other areas.

But not all routines are positive. Smoking a cigarette after dinner or always holding a bag of chips while watching TV? These are also routines and can relieve the soul in the short term, but they put a strain on other areas of our existence.

Katja’s Tchakalaka Mind-Boost: Take a self-critical look at which routines you already do regularly and whether they do you well and help you. You should replace negative habits step by step with positive ones.

Balance – the key to happiness

Balance means that you have a balanced way of life. You can divide your time and energy between different areas of your life to create a healthy balance. I know – it is sometimes a great art to balance work, family, leisure, health, and self-care, but it can be done.

Katja’s Tchakalaka Mind-Boost: You are the most important person in your life! Pay close attention to what costs you energy and where you can refuel.

Rituals – fuel for your soul

Your everyday life will only become magical if you consciously create little time-outs with your rituals. Unlike routines, patterns have a higher emotional value. Habits serve efficiency and structure, and practices help your mental relief. Again, it’s the combination that makes the difference!

Katja’s Tchakalaka Mind-Boost: Whether it’s a cup of tea in your favorite armchair, the evening Netflix series, or a little wellness time-out in the bathtub. Where do you regularly do something good for yourself?

Katja’s instant tips for more balance in everyday life


Cross your heart: You can’t do justice to everything and everyone. Become aware of which areas are really important to you and put them in your focus. What is good for you, and whom do you want to give time to?


Keep an overview – get a clear calendar and create a schedule that helps you to be efficient.


You can’t plan everything in life – unforeseen events sometimes require you to act quickly and flexibly. Your schedule is the navigation system for your life. However, it should not be rigid but leave room for spontaneity.

Small oases in everyday life

Find your personal little oases and establish them as rituals to create your magic in everyday life.

Ultimately, the balancing act between balance, routine, and ritual is fluid but also sometimes different. It is not a spell, not magic, but it can create magical moments and fulfilments. Use the space for discovery.

Need help to find your balance?

Feel free to contact me, and together, we will find out which issues you can work on to come into your full power.

Yours, Katja from the island

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