This is simply meA human being, just like you.

Your attitude influences your quality of life!

Be authentic. Be you.

Hello Soul Client, nice to meet you. That’s right, you are essential to me. And that, although we don’t know each other (yet). What counts for me is you as an individual.

With all your corners, edges, and stories. With all the still hidden potential and the dormant radiance in you.

You are valuable, do you know that?

Every person is unique.

Just as unique is the path.

And you should walk this path with others. So why am I the right person to walk alongside you on your journey?

Cross out the words right or wrong. Be brave.

Sometimes it just takes courage as well as trial and error. It’s written in “maybe” – great adventures may be much more accessible. You are invited: Get to know me. Without unnecessary frills, compact and … just real. And only then do you decide if and how it fits.

You deserve that.

Simply me. Simply Katja Kottmann.


Good vibes are part of my DNA, as is clear and often very direct communication. As a Rhineland cheerful nature and globetrotter with crazy ideas, I take life as it is. I don’t question; I allow – with a lot of humor, sociability, and authenticity. Loyal, down-to-earth, and fair that’s how my environment describes me. I prefer: simply genuine. Sometimes also positively crazy. My vision as a cosmopolitan citizen of the earth is to create understanding. For nature. For changes. For personalities. In life situations. For you.

That brought me to my calling over two decades ago – Modern Spirituality and Life Mentoring with opportunities for everyone. A calling I still live and love today. No matter how foggy the paths to happiness may be. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Much of it is in my adopted home of Mallorca, which invites you to dream and linger. And has enchanted me, just like Timo, my hairy soul friend. I am thrilled to walk your journey together with you.

Do you want to know more about me?
Let’s talk, but first, about you.

Your attitude affects

your quality of life!

A career for many lives.

Bundled experience just for you.

Sweetheart, I have already experienced a lot. So much of it has shaped me and made me who I am today. And the one I should always be. Despite seemingly insurmountable hurdles, I have arrived – just as you will come.

My multitude of travels led me straight into exciting cultures, from Italy to Qatar, Dubai, and the Cayman Islands to beautiful Mallorca. I led the family business as a global florist, teams, and projects. Digitally, in life, and in insightful work or life situations. Always with me: the question of meaning.

Driven by intuition and a powerful feeling, I realized: every stop, no matter how small, every loss or gain, every contact, and every experience, was significant.

They were teaching me. They educated me to unlock my potential and let it blossom.
I arrived and managed to create my freedom, happiness, and self-determination.

And I am sure – you can do it too.

Living & working in the now.

But with existing rules and principles.

Passion, courage, and passion have helped me to walk the path to my free life. But adapting doesn’t always mean pretending – that’s precisely why my Soul Clients appreciate working with me. I believe in values and principles. We all have an inner power that needs to be discovered and actively integrated into our lives and work.


Trust & Respect

Mutual trust is an essential foundation of my work. Change can only occur in an open and non-judgmental space - this is what I can offer you. The focus is on you and your challenges, I put my own needs in the background.


Seriousness & Method

You won't get any hocus-pocus from me - I'm not a fortune teller! Instead, I work with severe methods and offer a solution-oriented and always well-founded help for self-help.


Down-to-earthness & Individuality

I meet you at eye level and pick you up where you are in life. I always work with you clearly, openly, and transparently. You can freely address your wishes and problems at any time and we will find the right solution. For you.


Support & Sustainability

I use all my power, my experience and the expertise and tools available to me in the best possible way to support you. Not for every situation in life there is an immediate solution - I stand by your side even in difficult times.


Connection & Intuition

From my experience, I know how beneficial the combination of modern spirituality and everyday life can be - I would be happy to share these insights with you! Spirituality is independent of religious communities, sects, and manipulative individuals and groups. I use intuitive card reading with Lenormand cards as a valuable tool that can significantly support business and private mentoring.

You feel these values?

Then live these principles with me.

A force of nature not only as a coach & mentor:

Katja Kottmann
powerfully on stage.

Are you an organizer of online or live events? Then Katja Kottmann should be noticed. The inspiring speaker will enchant the audience with her eye-opening and authentic presentations. Book her for the next event today and have an unforgettable experience that will last long – for your audience and you.

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